Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Disciplined Exercise

I’m like most people. I’m not a great fan of exercise. I’m not one of these people who enjoy feeling ‘the burn’. But like most people, I know that I should exercise. I know that I am exceptionally unfit and if I don’t start doing something I’ll die before I meet my grandkids.

Discipline is the only way to move forward in life. Without it, life just flows around us and we stagnate. Discipline is something we are all capable of, but in today’s quick-fix society, it’s something we’re just not inclined to use. It is merely the act to doing something that you don’t really want to do, because you know it’s right. Or, inversely, it is NOT doing something that you want to do, because you know its wrong. For example, you want cake, but you refrain because you know it’s bad for you. Or, as in my case, you’d rather stay in bed, but you go out and exercise instead. The wonderful thing about discipline, is that it allows you to grow (or shrink!). I may be 104kg at the moment. But as long as I stay disciplined, that will change. Maybe you want to learn an instrument, but you don’t try because you think you’re hopeless. Good news: With discipline you WILL learn. It’s a guarantee that costs nothing.

Do you ever see people running or cycling along the road and think, “I could never do that”. Well, I’ve got news for you - that’s a load of crap. You could do that, maybe not tomorrow, but by having a bit of discipline, there is no reason most of us couldn’t get out there and run a few miles given time. I have started on my way. Last night, I cycled at a moderate/fast pace on my exercycle for 30 minutes. It wasn’t easy for a big woman such as myself, but I had decided before starting that I would do 30 minutes and it wasn’t negotiable. Then this morning, I practiced discipline again. I set my alarm for 5am and forced myself to get out of bed and go for a walk. I went down to the sports field and done 10 laps (4 km) as planned. I’m not being unrealistic - I walked - I didn’t run. For me to run at this stage would be like asking a cat to wear roller skates - hilarious, but cruel and potential dangerous. I did force a couple of jogging half-laps, but they just left me a wheezing mess. But I stuck to my 10 lap plan. By lap four, I wanted to stop. By lap 6 I was developing blisters. By lap 8 the shoes had to come off. By lap 10 I was feeling great because I had accomplished what I set out to achieve. I intend to repeat this everyday, and little by little, it will get easier and I will be able to push myself a little more.

Another great thing about my early morning challenge, is that I was home and showered before my two year old was even awake. This was much better than our usual routine of her waking me up by jumping on me and pulling my hair while screaming in my face. I’m all for unexpected bonuses.
xx Pandy

“The undisciplined are slaves to moods, appetites and passions”-- Stephen R. Covey

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